Retouching for Sherwood Outdoor Kitchens

Retouching for Sherwood Outdoor Kitchens

It is great to have friends that not only help you become better at what you do but also supply you with opportunities that allow you to do that. I am very thankful to my friend Ben from Talentosa Productions for trusting me to work on the images that are for the beautiful kitchens from Sherwood Outdoor Kitchens. I love retouching and being able to get involved in this project has opened up a new industry for me that I can work in, especially when retouching is so important. This was really a learning curve for me because unlike in my regular retouching, this project required more of image construction, colour management and most of all being able to work with PSB files (which in plain English is Large files). This was particularly tough for my laptop and I am looking at upgrading this within the next few months.

Image from Sherwood Outdoor Kitchens - Burnaby Heights – Custom S10

Image from Sherwood Outdoor Kitchens - Burnaby Heights – Custom S10

Nevertheless, Ben was an amazing client and his constructive feedback and high expectations really helped me achieve these results. As much as I don't want to say it, this collaboration is really important to be caused when you have someone to push you to your limits - you either make it or break it. To summarise my workflow in this project, I had to work on more than 30 layers to achieve what I can show you today. 

Normally in images like these, you would duplicate the original layer and clean it up from any lens spots and distracting elements. Then you will analyse the individual components and organise your work approach according to the time you need to spend on each part. I had the privilege to work on this and I have most definitely learned something new as well - how to handle larger files and work on the go (as I was in between UK and Bulgaria).

Image from Sherwood Outdoor Kitchens - Burnaby Heights – Custom S10

Image from Sherwood Outdoor Kitchens - Burnaby Heights – Custom S10

Image from Sherwood Outdoor Kitchens - Burnaby Heights – Custom S10

Image from Sherwood Outdoor Kitchens - Burnaby Heights – Custom S10

The product I did these image for is called Burnaby Heights – Custom S10 and I have to say I was really keen on getting my hands on one of these monsters. Definitely check out Sherwood Outdoor Kitchens' full range of products as they offer something for everyone that is looking to deliver outstanding food and experience at the same time.

Facebook: Svetlomir Tsvetanov Photography
Instagram: @svtsvetanov
Twitter: @svtsvetanov
LinkedIn: Svetlomir Tsvetanov Photography

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